Over the past few months, a number of details about the upcoming iPhone 8 have been leaked, including rumors that the phone will eschew a home button and include face detection technology that will allow the user to unlock their phone just by looking at the screen. It’s definitely not part of some nefarious government data collection plot. Not at all.
The phone will also apparently feature an all-glass encasement with a stainless steel frame and the ability to be charged via magnetic induction. It will undoubtedly be the most advanced version of the iPhone that we’ve seen so far. Unfortunately, all that new technology comes with a hefty price tag.
The New York Times reports that the iPhone 8 will have a starting sticker price of $999 (compared to the $769 retail value of the iPhone 7 Plus, which is currently the most expensive iPhone on the market). However, shelling out a grand will only get you 64 GB of storage. Business Insider predicts the most expensive version could set you back $1200— and that’s before we even talk about the rumored iPhone X, a special, high-end anniversary version that is expected to be announced either in conjunction with the 8 or at a later date.
If this price tag gets you down, look at the bright side: it’s nowhere close to matching the recently released $2450 Lamborghini Alpha One Android.
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We can expect to get an official confirmation of the price at Apple’s upcoming hardware showcase at some point in September.