“Call it…friendo.” Easily one of the most suspenseful and chilling scenes in movie history and it takes place over a coin flip at a gas station. The best part? That’s only one of at least a dozen gripping scenes. That’s what you can expect when you watch the award-winning No Country for Old Men free this month on Plex.
When it comes to Best Picture winners, my belief is that the movie that wins should leave you breathless when it ends. The credits start rolling and you realize you haven’t broken your concentration. No Country for Old Men does exactly that. I usually don’t agree with the so-called “academy” on their picks, but this is one award recipient that they got right.
The movie revolves around a cat-and-mouse chase between Josh Brolin and the terrifying Javier Bardem (with a well-deserved Best Supporting Actor win) over cartel money, with Tommy Lee Jones, Woody Harrelson, and Kelly Macdonald caught up in the chaos and bloodshed. Bardem’s Anton Chigurh is as scary of a character as any horror movie villain that I’ve ever seen.
This movie was so good that it made everyone think Coen Brothers’ follow-up film Burn After Reading was a bad movie. Most people forgot that Burn After Reading falls more in line with the Coen Brothers style of dark crime comedies. No Country for Old Men serves as a reminder that these brothers can go toe-to-toe with any awards season directors.
Where To Watch No Country for Old Men FREE Online
Thanks to Plex, you can watch this Neo-Western thriller and other great movies free from almost any device (Apple, Android, Roku, Amazon Fire, and more).
Plus, Plex has an incredible library of movies and TV shows, from A24 indie faves to Saturday morning staples. Get started at the link below!