You can be jacked to the gills and have legs like tree trunks but if you don’t have at least the start of the six pack all that training is pointless. The bad news is that working your abs still sucks. The good news is tha technology has made it slightly easier — at least on your back and the rest of your body.
Check out the Wonder Core Smart Fitness Equipment.
The Wonder Core promises to double the workout in half the time. It’s the revolutionary new fitness breakthrough designed to target your entire core like a laser, focusing on your upper middle and lower abs and obliques along with the obliques, thighs, gluts, calves, forearms, triceps and biceps.
Combine the Wonder Core Smart with the Wonder Core Twist and you can get an amazing full body workout without ever getting up off the floor. The Wonder Core Twist’s swiveling action isolates intercostals and obliques. It’s comfortable to sit on and its compact. It’s made for maximum durability.
Combine it with a few more quick home workouts and you’ll have rock hard abs in no time. Just lay off the junk food.
All of it.
The BroBible team writes about gear that we think you want. Occasionally, we write about items that are a part of one of our affiliate partnerships and we may get a percentage of the revenue from sales.