Does The Fact That Jessica Lowndes Is Basically A Washed-Up Actress Make Her Any Less Hot In A Bikini?

I’m told that Jessica Lowndes is known for her role in 2008’s 90210, but looking at her IMDB profile it doesn’t look like she’s done much since then, and by “done much” I mean “this resume has fewer credits on it than a meth head has teeth.”

One episode on a television show there, another episode here, a TV movie that your agent talked you into signing onto while you were coked out of your mind at a Malibu beach party…basically every sign that Lowndes’ career is in a death spiral is loud and accounted for.

But the question I’ve got for all the gentlemen out there today is this:

Does that make her any less hot in a bikini? Personally I think it does, just because it makes her seem kind of desperate for attention. But maybe that’s just me and she’s just as hot as she is now as she was when she was doing…whatever she did on 90210. I didn’t watch that show and I don’t know anyone who did, so it’s no surprise it’s off the air now.