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Lindsay Lohan is the celebrity equivalent of a cockroach, God love her. No matter how badly she screws up or how much people want to write her off, she simply will not go quietly into that good night.
Honestly, at this point I am not even sure how she is paying her bills. The last movie she was in was that amazing flick The Canyons back in 2013.
I know last year she opened a night club named after herself, but I haven’t heard a peep about it since.
In June of 2016, Lohan said she was still planning on recording and releasing her third studio album. (Yes, she has recorded two previous albums – the last one in 2005.)
In June of this year she said she was starting a lifestyle site called Preemiumwhich you could subscribe to for $2.99 a month and receive “access to exclusive content and behind the scenes footage from the people that inspire you.” So far she’s literally the only person listed on it with a bunch of blank spaces for the rest.
So yeah, I have no idea how LiLo’s life is still somehow significantly more lavish than mine, despite, you know, my having a job.
Apparently the folks over at L’Officiel Spain magazine think she’s still got some appeal as they put her on the cover of their latest issue. Why anyone would think that is a solid idea I have no idea. Then again, I’m not Spanish and fashion is weird.
Yet there she is…
Along with a bunch of pictures and a very weird video…
She truly is amazing.