13-minute ‘Man of Steel’ featurette tells all

Youtube | Colin Jolait

Why doesn’t Superman wear his underwear like Quailman in Man of Steel? Zack Snyder explains that and more questions you didn’t know you had in a new 13-minute featurette for Man of Steel. Some of this was used in a featurette last week, but the majority is new footage and interviews.

Clips like this are a boon for Supe’ lovers who want to get as deep as possible while it’s a bane for the anti-spoiler crowd. I personally find movies more enjoyable if I go in with more background. Knowing why Superman’s has that badass costume isn’t going to ruin the movie for me. If that’s all it takes to spoil something for you, it might be time to consider a new hobby. Movies in the modern day just aren’t for you.