50 Cent threw the worst first pitch in history according to science

Turns out, 50 Cent really did throw the worst first pitch in history. Science bitch! The Washington Post put together this nifty little infographic, showing the location of famous first pitches. 50 Cent’s barely makes it on the graph, that’s how bad it was.

Worth nothing the bottom 7 here:

-Kim Kardashian, a sex tape star who handles dicks better than she handles balls
-Nolan Ryan, an ornery old man who probably wears Depends
-Carly Rae Jepsen, a woman who set music back generations with “Call Me Maybe”
-Michael Jordan, professional gambler
-Cookie Monster, who’s not even fucking real
-Baba Booey, somehow still relevant for doing basically nothing
-Barack Obama (the last time I said something bad about the Prez, the Secret Service contacted me, so um good job Barry O!)

It’s not all bad for 50 Cent. The rapper was just on Good Morning America, told a story of how he got out of a ticket because the cop felt so bad about the first pitch. LOL!