The ‘Unexpected Thug Life’ Is A Meme You Should Know Right Now

The ‘Unexpected Thug Life’ meme has absolutely BLOWN UP in recent weeks, and if you’re not already familiar with it then now’s the time to hop on board.

From time to time we like to catch up on ‘new memes you should know’ to ensure that you’re not left out in the dark, and unaware of the latest trends. Though this meme in particular has been around for quite some time it seems to have only been gaining traction in recent months.
Today’s meme is the ‘Unexpected Thug Life’, and as you’ll see it is one that takes extraordinary situations and adds a Thug Life soundtrack.
Maybe it’s a kid saying something extremely inappropriate, or as we see in our first compilation it can be an animal doing something LIKE A BOSS and getting hit with some Tupac playing in the background.

So before I hype it up too much, without further ado, here’s your comprehensive introduction to the ‘Unexpected Thug Life’ meme:

The Best Of Thug Life Compilation (Animal Edition)

The Nerf Gun review

Bill Gates


Tying Your Shoes

The Golden Bear Golfing

According to KnowYourMeme:

The earliest known instance of the series, “Thug Life (nerf gun review),” was uploaded by YouTuber lolonym on June 13th, 2014. In the video, a young boy opens up a monologue of a NERF toy gun review, before he trails off and says “I don’t know what it’s called… maybe it’s called fuck you” (shown below). On July 20th, Redditor Russian_For_Rent submitted the clip to /r/videos in a post titled “my favorite video on the internet as of now,” which garnered more than 2,344 points prior to its archival.

So there, now that you’re armed with the back story of the ‘Unexpected Thug Life’ meme, and where to find it (here on Reddit), you can go forth into the world and spread it amongst your friends who haven’t yet been unplugged from the Matrix.


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