What to watch this weekend: Katy Perry on ‘The Tonight Show’, ‘Newsroom’


We’re almost to that time where we can start caring about TV on the weekends again. Bear with us for another few weeks. In the meantime, Katy Perry is on TV tonight and she’s wonderfully busty.

Comedy Bang! Bang! @ 10pm Friday, IFC: One of our favorite shows when we’re stuck home on a Friday night because we’re lame losers. Tonight’s guest is Anna Kendrick of Cup Song fame.

The Tonight Show with Jay Leno 11:37pm Friday, NBC: I’m obligated by man law to inform you every time Katy Perry is on TV because boobs.

Beach Volleyball @ 3:30pm Saturday, NBC: Because this is a great sport and we need to support it and butts.

Dexter @ 9pm Sunday, Showtime: Does Dexter have to kill a bitch? (I’ve always wanted to use that line)

Newsroom @ 10pm, HBO: You know, I thought Jeff Daniels was the most important of the show. I was wrong. It’s Olivia Munn. Her character is the most dynamic. I hope she kills Maggie. Wait, sorry, brain fart.