My mom always used to say “I give you and inch and you take a mile.” I’m not much of a runner, so I never really understood what she meant. But, if I were to venture a guess, I’d say that that phrase can be applied to the uncivilized savages who turned 7-Eleven’s “Bring Your Own Cup” slurpee experiment into a straight up looting. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big advocate of sticking it to the man, but if I’m spending my afternoon filling up a kiddie pool with liquid diabetes, please someone take me out back and do what I haven’t had the stones to. For the betterment of society.
I spent a little bit of time pitying these poor saps, then I grew to respect them. Because there is nothing in my life that I’ve committed to as wholeheartedly as these people. Hopefully this type of dedication will land them a job, so they can eventually afford a 99 cent Slurpee.
It's Bring Your Own Cup Day at 7-11 today. #711 #bringyourowncup @711Franchise @711SEJ @711philippines
— Saint J (@DjNarkatta) March 19, 2016
Best holiday of the year #BYOCupDay
— Captain Tuck (@thetuckeradams1) March 18, 2016
[h/t Death and Taxes]