Baby Head Masks Will Freak People The Hell Out This Halloween

Jesus Christ. Baby head masks are positively chilling.

From the official product description:

People who think babies are angelic and precious, I see your Gerber models, and raise you these three baby head masks. No, make that these three enormous, bulbous, horrifying, spawn-of-Chucky baby head masks. Landon Meier, perhaps the most adept manipulator of Latex on the planet, crafts his newborn perversions by hand, signing and numbering each and shipping them off with a display stand. Because when you’re not donning Disgusted Baby, Cry Baby, and Happy Baby on your head to offend and skeeve people out in the Chuck E. Cheese parking lot, they should be exhibited conspicuously on the fireplace mantel, where their sinister vibes will permeate your own soul as well.

The scariest part is the price tag — $350. For that much money the masks better come in handy 365 days a year. It would be a cool way to tell people you’re having a kid.

H/T Dude I Want That

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Chris Illuminati is a 5-time published author and recovering a**hole who writes about running, parenting, and professional wrestling.