The Bernese Mountain Dog is world renowned for its skill on snow mountains. Originally hailing from the canton of Bern, Switzerland, the breed was believed to have been bred between mastiffs and a breed of herding dog, creating the perfect breed for the steep and icy mountains of Switzerland.
Fact: Bernese Mountain Dogs are the BEST breed of dogs (there is none better). FACT: Bernese Mountain Dogs are not the most coordinated dog amongst all canines.
Have I mentioned already that I’m an owner of a Bernese Mountain Dog? I suppose that would be a useful bit of information, because now you can take everything I say and believe it as fact, because I’d obviously never lie to you about BMD’s. But let’s get back to the video at hand.
Here we see a young Berner absolutely eat shit when trying to run in ice, and the footage is captured in slow-motion so it looks incredible. “But Cass, you just said Berners dominate the snowy landscape?!?!?” Well, they do. The Berner is built for pulling milk carts across snow, and not for abrupt changes of direction. When I say that the BMD is build for snow it’s mostly in terms of their extremely thick coat, you’ll never find a cold Bernese Mountain Dog no matter the temperature. It could be 50 below zero and they’d want to sleep outside in the snow (but of course we wouldn’t let that happen).
So here we’ve got ‘QuinnTheBerner’ from Instagram attempting to test out his ice legs and failing miserably, as he goes sliding across the ice with reckless abandon….but we know he’s okay because when it’s all said and done we’re seeing smiles on that face. So if you’re here to complain about how the dog might have hurt himself, bugger off. more from ‘QuinnTheBerner’ you can check out his very own Instagram profile by clicking HERE. And a fine tip of the hat to ‘HappyPlace‘ for finding and sharing this video.
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