People Are Saying This Bloomingdale’s Ad Suggests You Should Date Rape Your Friend This Holiday Season

An ominous Bloomingdale’s ad caught the attention of the Twitter mob yesterday, leading some people to believe it suggested that you should, in fact, date rape your BFF.

Sure, “Spike your best friend’s eggnog when they’re not looking” paired with a photo of a devious-looking soap opera villain isn’t exactly going sit well with the masses, but let’s do our best not to lose our collective shit here. Date rape is a rather large leap, and isn’t eggnog already spiked anyway? Who drinks eggnog with just heavy cream and nutmeg? If anything, this ad feels redundant.

Nonetheless, Bloomindale’s issued an apology:

“In reflection of recent feedback, the copy we used in our recent catalog was inappropriate and in poor taste. Bloomingdale’s sincerely apologizes for this error in judgment.”

Per Gothamist, the company did not elaborate on where this ad even ran and whether or not it will continue to run.

Truth be told, if you kept the same copy and swapped in a photo of a grinning Cousin Eddie and Clark Griswold looking away, we would all be laughing together.