This Kid’s Speech Impediment Has Made Him The Smoothest Talking Ladies Man On The Block

Before we jump into this kid’s awesome mispronunciation, can I stop for a second and note how weird it is that some kid is knocking on a neighbor’s door and asking for things, and the neighbor automatically opens the door filming on his iPhone? Is that not some of the strangest behavior you’ve ever seen?

Moving past that: this kid has the greatest speech impediment in the history of speech or impediments. And maybe it’s not a speech impediment, per say, and he just hasn’t figured out how to say the correct word yet, or one of his relatives is messing with him and taught him that ‘kitties = titties’. Either way, if he goes through life continuing to pronounce ‘kitties’ as he is in this video then he’s going to have an awesome time growing up.

If anyone knows this kid (or the parents), you should send them this video so they can at least save him any more public embarrassment:
