I think we can officially say the Mannequin Challenge is done, and we can do so because there’s a new challenge in town that’s picking up steam practically overnight. If you’ve ever been to a Chuck E. Cheese then you might recognize what’s going on the Chuck E. Cheese Challenge: dancing like a creepy ass animatronic rat, the mascot of Chuck E. Cheese. I’ve included a comparison video of the Chuck E. Cheese animatronics dancing below.
This new challenge, the Chuck E. Cheese Challenge, is already taking Instagram by storm with the limited amount of videos on there picking up a ton of views after this initial clip (seen above) hit the web. If you’re wondering what that song is which accompanies the Chuck E. Cheese Challenge it’s ‘Redbone’ by Childish Gambino.
Here’s some more footage of the Chuck E. Cheese Challenge, so you can see what it looks like before this goes too viral:
As mentioned, here’s a comparison video of the creepy animatronics which dance inside of Chuck E. Cheese, the basis for the Chuck E. Cheese challenge:
I’m not sure if this will ever catch on like the Mannequin Challenge but you really never know with this stuff. People get bored easily, and pop culture’s looking for something new to occupy its time until Christmas.
(h/t r/videos)