P. Diddy Just Threw MAD Shade When Asked Who Had A Better Butt, Jennifer Lopez Or Kim Kardashian

If you had to pick between Jennifer Lopez’s booty or Kim Kardashian’s booty, which would you pick?

Tough choice, huh? Porque no los dos? If you were to ask P. Diddy the same question, his answer would unequivocally be J.Lo. He didn’t even PAUSE while being asked on “Access Hollywood,” and immediately comes back with “No disrespect to Kanye and Kim but that thing right there, that thing right there is something special.”

Skip to the 7:00 mark to see for yourself:

No disrespect? Yeah right, you just said Kim’s butt is the regular run-of-the-mill booty you can find stuffed into any ol’ pair of yoga pants walkin’ down the street. What do you think, Kim or JLo?

[H/T MTV News]