This Doctor’s Note Perfectly NAILS Why Employers Requiring Sick Notes Is Stupid

I don’t understand why in this day and age some employers still require their employees to get a note from the doctor in order for them to be excused from work without being penalized. But here we are in 2015 and it’s still practiced by some companies. I guess they’d rather their employee just drag their sick and germy ass to work so they don’t lose out on a day’s pay and infect everyone else in the business than give them the day off unquestioned. Not to mention the fact that someone going to the doctor just to get a note also makes the people who actually need medical attention have to wait longer than they should.

This doctor of a Redditor in Canada totally gets where I am coming from on this and also knows that it’s a stupid policy. In fact he already has pre-written notes made up specifically for this situation.

As one commenter put it, “Some clinics have started invoicing companies for sick notes saying it is ‘outside of required practice’ to write up documentation and taking away from time they could be treating people. I think this practice of billing the employer would reduce the use of these policies.”

Not a terrible idea.

H/T Uproxx; Handsome doctor image by Shutterstock