We Just Tested Internet That’s 100 Times Faster Than The Internet


Whoa. Whoa.


You think your internet is fast now?

Wait until a … well, an unspecified date in the not near future when Li-Fi comes to suck your dick right off your face.

That’s right. Li-Fi. Li-Fi. Li-Fi. So much cooler than broke ass Wi-Fi. Li-Fi sounds like the name of a ninja who fucks. Not like Wi-Fi.

From the International Business Times. Or, Ib-Ti

Li-Fi, a super-fast alternative to Wi-Fi, is finally moving from research labs to the real world after an Estonian startup implemented the technology within a commercial context. Velmenni, a recent finalist at the Slush 100 startup competition in Helsinki, revealed that it has begun trialling the technology within offices and industrial environments in Tallinn.

The Li-Fi technology used by Velmenni in the pilots is able to send data at up to 1GBps – more than 100-times faster than current Wi-Fi technologies. At these speeds, a high-definition film could be downloaded in just a few seconds.

Damn straight. Damn fucking straight. Bitch ass Wi-Fi. Fuck your shit Wi-Fi. It’s Li-Fi time.

Li-Fi is a wireless technology similar to Wi-Fi that allows data to be sent at high speeds using visible light communication (VLC). Invented by Professor Harald Haas from the University of Edinburgh, Li-Fi has several advantages over Wi-Fi.

Li-Fi allows for greater security on local networks as light cannot pass through walls, which also means there is less interference between devices. Perhaps the most significant advantage is the speed that the technology offers. Researchers have achieved speeds of 224 gigabits per second in lab conditions.

Eventually, all our lightbulbs will be hot spots.

The inventor of Li-Fi, Professor Harald Haas from the University of Edinburgh, has previously claimed that in the future every LED lightbulb could be used as an ultra-fast alternative to Wi-Fi. In a TED talk describing the technology, Haas said that current infrastructure was suitable for the integration of Li-Fi.

“All we need to do is fit a small microchip to every potential illumination device and this would then combine two basic functionalities: illumination and wireless data transmission,” Haas said. “In the future we will not only have 14 billion light bulbs, we may have 14 billion Li-Fis deployed worldwide for a cleaner, greener and even brighter future.”

The future’s gonna be so chill.

[Via Science Alert]