Google Probably Just Spent A Billion Dollars On This Commercial Of Animals Being Adorable

With their endless coffers of wealth, Google probably just broke off a billion dollar chunk and threw it at whoever they needed to in order to secure this animal footage. Because it’s not just any animal footage, it’s a heaping pile of the cutest animal footage ever compiled into one place.

What’s the only thing cuter than a baby animal? Two baby animals, from different species, getting along like brothers, and growing up to do adorable shit together. I think at one point Animal Planet even had a show about this.

Well, realizing that nobody notices Android advertising, it seems Google must’ve threw a small fortune at gathering every adorable clip ever posted to YouTube for one brilliant commercial. Though now that I think of it, if these clips were all originally on YouTube would they even have to pay for them in the first place?

So know that going in to this commercial that you may have to punch a wall after watching it in order to feel manly again:

I cannot begin to fathom why they didn’t air this commercial during the Super Bowl. With their bottomless bank account, why not win the Super Bowl with the most adorable animals the world’s ever seen?

That said, let’s watch some highlights in GIF because why the hell not?