Guy Gets Absolutely #REKT In The Most Ironic Way Possible On Facebook After Complaining About ‘Clingy’ Girls

Before you go out and start throwing stones make sure your house isn’t made of glass, especially on Facebook. Have you ever seen someone complaining about something stupid and have it go to absolute shit? Because if not, Ben is a grade A fan-fuckin’-fabulous example of the shit that can go wrong:

Not bad so far, right? Just Ben being another stupid idiot who overshares on social media. There’s tons of those out and about every day, but then Jessica comes along…

And Daphne…

And Anika…

And now Ben not only looks like a foolish hypocrite, but has also become the thing he hates the most: a clingy ass bitch. Oh how the world loves to come full circle.

[H/T Metro]