High School Student Graduates With Attendance Record That Makes Cal Ripken’s Streak Look Like Horseshit

Cal Ripken played in 2,632 consecutive major league baseball games. Bush league.

New Jersey student Jessica Mingle graduated from high school last week with the distinction of NEVER MISSING A DAY OF SCHOOL EVER — a record she’s been compiling since Kindergarten. That’s correct. No sick days, skip days, flus, broken legs or feelings of “I just don’t feel like getting up today. Mingle has gone to school every day since 2002.

There were some days, even her old man admits, she probably should have stayed home.

“I told her to stay home several times, but she said ‘No, I’m going,'” Doug Mingle said. “There were challenges.”

Family vacations? Nope. That was not an option either, Mingle said.

“I did have to miss out on a few vacations and there was one time when my cousin had a wedding in Texas and I flew down by myself so I could be there with the family, but I was in school earlier that day to get credit,” she said. “That is how I got over my fear of planes.”

Mingle is no slouch in the classroom or extra curricular either. She finished with a 4.2 grade point average, a National Honors Society qualification, was in the Spanish National Honors Society, in the marching band, stage crew, key club, played tennis and softball and worked 15 to 30 hours a week at the local movie theater.

She’s either a freak of nature or snorts 5 Hour Energy.

Mingle wants to keep the streak going in college, “for as long as I can.”

Yeah, good luck with that.

[via NJ.com]