Those Gators in Gainesville, they just can’t stop getting their asses kicked on the field, am I right? That was my first thought when I came across this video in a Tampa Bay Times articled titled ‘horse attacking gator in a field near Gainesville’.
Gville is ground zero for Gators taking L’s in the state of Florida. The University of Florida Gators has lost 6 of their last 7 games to my alma mater, the Florida State Seminoles. Now we’ve got this reptile getting his shit kicked in by a horse.
If you’ve only ever been to Disney World, Key West, Miami, or the Florida beaches and have avoided the middle of the state you might be shocked to learn that almost all of Florida’s inland is grazing land for farm animals. So altercations like this between farm animals and alligators are probably much more common than we’d ever know. What’s the rarest here is someone was on hand with a camera when this shit went down.
That action shot, you gotta love it:

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