Watch A House Cat Scare The Living Shit Out Of A Big Black Bear, Yes, A House Cat

This is “COME AT ME BRO, PART TWO” in an apparently new series which shows that cats, while being giant pains in the asses and annoying as hell, are pretty much stupid fearless when it comes to protecting their territory.

The other day we saw a housecat stand up to a freaking mountain lion like it wasn’t no thing, and now today we have another cat taking it up a notch further by scaring the piss out of a big black bear that wondered on to the porch of a cabin.

I don’t know how this bear is ever going to be able to live this down with his bear bros. You know they’re all just sitting around the cave watching this GIF over and over on their bear iPads laughing at his sorry bear ass…

H/T The Daily Dot