Recently, two bros were out ice fishing when they happened upon one of the weirdest sights imaginable. Embedded firmly within the ice was a northern pike swallowing a bass, with both fish frozen solid, caught by death’s grip amidst a primal act.
The two brothers, Anton and Alex Babich, came across these frozen fish while ice fishing back in January and snapped this picture in the middle of the night:
After posting the photograph above (if it’s not loading from Facebook you can find it here) the two brothers found themselves receiving a ton of comments from people questioning whether or not it was real/legit. So, they decided to do the only responsible thing and go back with a chainsaw to cut the pike and bass out of the ice.
As you can see from the footage above/pics below, this is 100% legit, and it’s a brutal reminder that nature is unforgiving:

YouTube / Trendy Outdoorsman

YouTube / Trendy Outdoorsman

YouTube / Trendy Outdoorsman