Jared Leto ‘Wants To Make Heath Ledger And Jack Nicholson Proud’ With His Role As The Joker In ‘Suicide Squad’

Suicide Squad won’t be out for several months at this point (it’s slated for an August 2016 release date currently), but people are getting hyped regardless not just because the trailer looks sick or because its two female leads are crazy hot, but because this will be the third iteration of the Joker that we’ve seen on-screen. First we had Jack Nicholson, then Heath Ledger and now Jared Leto. While Nicholson’s performance is considered more campy than terrifying (and we all know that Ledger went the complete opposite direction for his performance), Leto’s Joker appears to be similar to what we saw in The Dark Knight.

Whether or not Jared Leto’s Joker will surpass Heath Ledger’s is questionable, but we’ll just have to wait and see until August 5th before we pass any judgment.