Mark Cuban Issues $10 Million Challenge To Donald Trump – ‘What Do You Have To Lose?’

The feud between billionaires Mark Cuban and Donald Trump rages on. Cuban issued a $10 million challenge to the Republican presidential candidate on Friday.

In a series of tweets the Dallas Mavericks owner promised $10 million to the charity of the Donald’s choice. All Trump would have to do is agree to a four-hour interview conducted by Cuban. The one-on-one interview would prohibit Trump from speaking about the Clintons and focus only on his plans for the country.

Cubes threw shade at Trump, giving him the option of pocketing the cash if he so pleased.

Cuban used Trumps’ own verbage against him to close out the tweet storm. “In the immortal words of YOU. ‘What do you have to lose?”

Cuban’s dare came hours after Trump said Cuban wasn’t “mart enough to understand what we are doing.”

Cuban, whose net worth of $3.3 billion, has questioned Trump’s net worth in the past and said Donald didn’t have the cash to support his campaign.

This comes only days after Cuban appeared on the Fox Business Network and declared that the “in the event Donald wins, I have no doubt in my mind that the market tanks.”

Cuban reiterated his statement on Twitter.

Only 52 days until the election.
