You might not have known this, but Monster Energy Drink has been sent up from the sulfuric depths of Hell by Beelzebub himself, and this lady wants to tell you all about it.
It’s important that while watching this video you remind yourself this person represents a large faction of the country you live in, and in her own world she’s not strange, you are if you’re the non-believer. Just let that continuously sink in as you’re watching her compelling argument as to why the Lord of the Flies, SATAN himself, wants us all to drink Monster Energy Drink….and I can’t.
I just can’t you guys. This is as far as I can go with this charade. This lady is batshit crazy and someone should probably start spiking her ‘eggnog & vinegar’ (I assume that’s what a crazy person drinks) with pills, lots and lots of pills to set her mind right.
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