No, Seriously — The Money Martin Shkreli Is Raising By Letting Someone Punch Him In The Face Is Going To A Great Cause

Yesterday we told you about infamous capitalist/Twitter troll Martin Shkreli raising money to let someone punch him in the face. It’s a sexy headline that was quickly gobbled up by all sorts of media outlets, including ones on television: For a price, the highest bidder gets to punch one of the Internet’s most punchable faces in the face.

It’s easy to be dismissive of Shkreli’s Twitter stunts. But I think it’s important for us here at BroBible to address how worthy this cause is.

On Saturday, September 24th, public relations executive Mike Kulich passed away in his sleep at the way-too-young age of 29. via Xbiz:

Circumstances surrounding his death at his West Hollywood, Calif., apartment were not immediately known at post time. He was 29.

“We don’t know everything yet,” Regan Forester, a close friend of Kulich’s, told XBIZ. “His fiancée was at a music festival out of town and couldn’t reach him. So [she] sent somebody over to their apartment to check on him. They found him; he went in his sleep in bed.

Mike Kulich actually e-mailed us A LOT here at BroBible. Sometimes every day in a work week. When I was reading the fine print of the Shkreli story, I was shocked and saddened to hear of his passing. Kulich’s company, Hollywood-based Mak PR, was a communications rep for the porn site X-Hamster. He liked the Dicks Out For Harambe meme just like everyone else. And a lot of people who don’t work in Internet publishing probably don’t know that he was an architect behind some fantastic publicity stunts for the brand over the last couple months, including these absolutely genius gems that resonated across the Internet:

While we always kept it professional with Mike, we didn’t know about the struggles of his six-year-old son, Tyler Kulich, who has bravely fought pediatric cancer at the age of two. A memorial fund has been established in the wake of Tyler losing his dad:

This memorial fund has been created in honor of Mike for a trust fund for his 5 year old son Tyler Kulich / #TeamTyler.

Tyler Kulich is in Kindergarten and lives in Fort Collins, Colorado with his mother & industry veteran Michelle Burr.

Tyler was born October 26th, 2010 and from day one had to fight to survive. During childbirth he became stuck and had to be pulled out by his arm, ripping every nerves and paralyzing him in his right arm. With physical therapy and sheer badassery, Tyler regained 100% use of his arm within a year.

In June of 2013, at only 2 years old, Superhero Tyler began his battle with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia. 3 years later in August, Tyler finished his maintenance chemo and on September 13th he rang the bell signifying just how awesome & strong he is by concurring Leukemia!

Just 11 days later, Tyler lost his loving father. His 6th birthday will be in a month.

Sadly, while the Internet was revealing in the opportunity to punch Shkreli in the face yesterday, they probably weren’t thinking about Tyler or the world losing a talented publicist who coordinated some beloved headlines.

Anyway, the whole point of this post is to just note, publicly, that there’s way more to this narrative than just a convenient opportunity to hit a guy. We’ll miss Mike a lot here at BroBible. Consider donating to his memorial fund for his son Tyler. His contribution to our little weird space of the Internet has been nothing short of invaluable over the years.

RIP. Our thoughts and condolences to his family and close friends in their time of grievance.

Brandon Wenerd is BroBible's publisher, helping start this site in 2009. He lives in Los Angeles and likes writing about music and culture. His podcast is called the Mostly Occasionally Show, featuring interviews with artists and athletes, along with a behind-the-scenes view of BroBible. Read more of his work at Email: