Let’s Get Into The Holiday Shopping Spirit With This Lunatic Running People Over In A Parking Lot Over A Stolen Spot

Tis’ the season! Tis’ the season to go holiday shopping and mingle with some real fucking lunatic freaking out over a parking spot.

Before the video, a quick story — I was about ten years old when I saw my dad have his first, and to my knowledge only, parking lot rage. It was Good Friday. With my cousin and I in the backseat, my dad flipped on his blinker to make a left turn into a soon-to-be-empty parking spot. As the car backed out of the spot, a woman in a tiny foreign car, coming from the other direction without a blinker or even a pause, zipped between the empty yellow lines. She stole the spot.

My dad is a nice guy. A super nice guy. He’s so nice people have to tell me, often, how nice he is so he’s that nice. My dad waits for the woman to get out her car. He rolls down his window and tells the young lady “have a good Easter, you cunt.”

It was pretty awesome.

Alright back this guy. I wish I saw the start of this argument, but it really doesn’t matter, because this is never the proper response. Attempted murder is never the response. Just find another spot. You cunt.

H/T Digg

Chris Illuminati avatar
Chris Illuminati is a 5-time published author and recovering a**hole who writes about running, parenting, and professional wrestling.