Guy Tweets Pic Of His FitBit Going Nuts While He’s Getting Dumped And There’s Actually A Bright Side To His Pain

A law student in Tel Aviv, Israel, wears a FitBit for all the normal reasons. He was wearing one while getting dumped.

Here’s the sad story of Soto and his heartbreak.

Soto was wearing his Fitbit when he got a call from his then-boyfriend of a few months, a fellow law student. Soto told BuzzFeed News, “He said that we’re going to have to cancel, and I said ‘Why?’ and he said, ‘Things are not working as they should… I said, ‘Are you serious? You’re doing this over the phone?’”

The breakup brought his heart rate up to the point that his Fitbit actually thought he was working out. His heart rate remained elevated for the rest of the afternoon, in the wake of the breakup.

Look, I’m very optimistic when it comes to break-ups and Soto’s story has me very optimistic. First off, he’s a lawyer, so he’ll be dating again in no time. Lawyers make bank. Secondly, getting dumped is just as much of a workout for your ticker as actually working out. Do you know how great that is?!? When you get dumped, what’s the last thing you feel like doing? Basically EVERYTHING but you really don’t feel like working out! You’ve got that covered.

You also don’t feel like eating. Between the decreased calories and constant cardio, you’ll be ripped in no time.

This is a blessing, Soto. Trust. Also, he probably dumped you for wearing a FitBit.

[via Some eCards]

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Chris Illuminati is a 5-time published author and recovering a**hole who writes about running, parenting, and professional wrestling.