Bro, see that final paper you’re working on right now? Burn it. Because in 2017, all you need for academic success is a good GPA, discipline, a brain, a viral moment. Not a slew of them. Just one. So I suggest bringing a book to a homeless dude, recruiting a friend to come with, and have him take a picture of you handing the homeless man a book. Maybe you’ll get featured in Humans Of New York or Buzzfeed and you life will be set. The only problem you’ll have going forward is choosing between Harvard or Yale.
Just ask Caroline Williams, a student from Tennessee who was accepted to Yale after she wrote about ordering from Papa John’s in her application essay. When she was asked to write about something she loves to do, she went with a bulletproof answer: ordering pizza from Papa Johns.

Shortly after her application was submitted, Caroline received her acceptance letter/note in the mail.

A Yale admissions officer wrote to her following her acceptance, saying: ‘As a fellow lover of pizza, I laughed out loud (then ordered pizza) after reading your application.’
Caroline will likely receive a lifetime supply of pizza from Papa John’s on top of her Ivy League acceptance. The rich get richer.
P.S. The real loser here is the dude who studied his ass off to fulfill his childhood dream of going to Yale and being bumped out by Pizza Chick. It’s better to be lucky than to be good, I guess.
[h/t Daily Mail]