Two Students Arrested For Wearing ‘Purge’ Masks And Terrorizing A H.S. Because Creepy Clowns Weren’t Enough

Creepy clowns are all the rage right now. On Tuesday morning 3 of the first 4 articles we published here on BroBible were about crazy murderous clowns and/or mobs of people taking to the streets in an attempt to extinguish this threat against our American way of life. Thousands of students came together at Penn State to hunt clowns, another college campus was put on lockdown with helicopters flying above trying to find the clowns. This clown shit has gotten out of control, but things could still get worse…

A pair of Florida teens were arrested for issuing social media threats and terrorizing a high school with masks from The Purge, the horror film franchise that’s blown up over the past few years. I suspect that these students purchased their ‘Purge Masks’ on Amazon, where they’re selling like hot cakes.

ABC’s WFTV 9 reports:

Two Lake County students are facing charges for wearing masks from the movie “The Purge: Anarchy” and scaring students after a threat was made on social media Friday.
Lake County high schools were put on high alert when the threat surfaced on social media, saying clowns would be kidnapping students and teachers.
The post threatened schools, without a specific location, and districts across the state had to decide how to react.
“We didn’t know where it had originated, where it came from or who is responsible for the post and we still don’t know,” said Lt. John Herrell of the Lake County Sheriff’s Office.
As a precaution, district officials put schools on alert. They didn’t order lockdowns, but they asked principals to limit unnecessary movement.
Deputies said the two South Lake High students were arrested on misdemeanor charges for wearing the masks while approaching students in the parking lot and scaring them.
“As the students were pulling into the parking lot, two students were running around in these masks, they were yanking car doors open and scaring people,” said Herrell.

We’re roughly 3 1/2 weeks away from Halloween. Things are going to get A LOT worse before they get better, this I know. These pranksters can’t get laid so they’re getting off on scaring people in Purge and Creepy Clown costumes, it’s the most obvious display of attention-seeking behavior I’ve ever seen in the media. But when I said that things are going to get worse before they get better I don’t mean that we’ll see a shit ton more clown scares, that’s inevitable and not really all that bad. What I mean is I fully expect one of these pissant clowns to try and scare a concealed carry holder and this ‘creepy clown’ saga will go nuclear over night…At this point it seems inevitable.

…For more on this ‘Purge’ story you can click on over to ABC 9’s WFTV!…

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Cass Anderson is the Editor-in-Chief of BroBible and a graduate from Florida State University with nearly two decades of expertise in writing about Professional Sports, Fishing, Outdoors, Memes, Bourbon, Offbeat and Weird News, and as a native Floridian he shares his unique perspective on Florida News. You can reach Cass at