Texas Teacher Arrested After Being Filmed Slapping A Student And Then Mocking Him

In a world where participation trophies are handed out like condoms at the Playboy mansion and ‘trying’ is the new ‘achieving,’ it’s a breath of fresh air to see a little tough love every now and then. It makes me feel better about my dad only mentioning the two free throws I missed in an otherwise ferocious 18 point, 8 rebound high school basketball game.

But, there’s a fine line between tough love and straight up assault. And that was all too clear after a Texas geometry teacher was filmed swiping papers off a student’s desk before whaling him in the head five times.


According to Daily Mail, 63-year-old Mary Hastings has been arrested after the video surfaced of her saying ‘…because you’re stopping him from graduating you idiot ass’ before striking the child and then mocking his response. Regardless of intent, the mockery was outstanding theater and in my humble opinion, may have earned her an Oscar.

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Beaumont Independent School District spokeswoman Nakisha Burns said in a statement that Hastings, a teacher at the school for three years, has been immediately removed from the classroom and is on paid leave.

‘BISD does not condone employees abusing any child and will not tolerate such conduct,’ she said.

‘The teacher was immediately removed from the classroom and placed on administrative leave pending action on her contract.’

Paid leave. Isn’t that a reward?

I’m somewhere in the middle on this whole debacle. The teacher obviously flew over the handlebars and defending her is a futile effort. But, it’s noble that a teacher cares so much about her students graduating that she’s willing to break the rules to make a point. If this dude is actually hindering a student’s chances at graduating, then maybe a couple open hand strikes to the noggin will make him think twice. Sometimes, the most important lessons learned are the hardest to accept. I’M SORRY FOR MISSING THE FREE THROWS DAD!

[h/t Daily Mail]


Matt Keohan Avatar
Matt’s love of writing was born during a sixth grade assembly when it was announced that his essay titled “Why Drugs Are Bad” had taken first prize in D.A.R.E.’s grade-wide contest. The anti-drug people gave him a $50 savings bond for his brave contribution to crime-fighting, and upon the bond’s maturity 10 years later, he used it to buy his very first bag of marijuana.