The season has fully transitioned from summer to fall and you know what that means–SINUSES! And if you’re one of those weirdos that prefers alternative medicines to actual medicines, I suggest eating one Paqui Haunted Ghost Pepper chip to clear out all that slime from your melon. We legit passed a bag of these things around the BroBible office last week and before you could say Mary Swanson, we were all like…
[protected-iframe id=”0c1ca9b8a97952ce103ae4a22ffe831d-97886205-37946113″ info=”https://giphy.com/embed/7B6hvCLsQQBPO” width=”480″ height=”221″ frameborder=”0″ class=”giphy-embed” allowfullscreen=””]
These bad boys are hotter than an ASU sorority. The kind of hot where you sweat just enough to convince yourself that you’ve gotten a workout and it’s okay to skip the gym.
And just in case you think I’m a baby back bitch for crying over a tortilla chip, please witness manly NFL tight ends Travis Kelce and Greg Olsen lose their cool over one limited-edition Carolina Reaper Madness Chip, made with the hottest chile pepper on the planet.
Probably not a good idea to eat something that comes in a coffin-shaped box.

Now if you think these dudes are a bunch of sissies, I suggest you purchase a bag and find out for yourself.
But, if you’re not looking to die while eating a snack, get the spicy queso ones. They are Doritos if Doritos were in a rock band, vaped, and drove a Camaro.
