Awhile back we shared a study of the drunkest states in America during the summer months and the results were a bit surprising.
But this new study by on the drunkest states in America overall has very few surprises.
Hello, Wisconsin!
Of all the categories that looked at Wisconsin took the top spot in the state with the highest percentage of drinkers, the highest percentage of binge drinkers and the state with the highest percentage of heavy drinkers (two or more drinks per day). They basically hit the drinking triple crown.
Topping the list of drinkers is Wisconsin, where a little more than 65% of residents enjoy imbibing. As famous for its breweries as it is for its cheese, Wisconsin has a deep-seated tradition of drinking. Some blame lenient alcohol laws (minors can consume alcohol in bars and restaurants if accompanied by a consenting parent or guardian, at the bartender’s discretion), the abundance of bars and taverns, and lax drunk driving laws.
Closely following Wisconsin is Washington, D.C. (65.03%), where wine is the drink of choice. D.C. residents have no shortage of nightlife opportunities, ranging from swank bars to dance clubs. Rounding out the top five are three New England states: Vermont (64.47%), known for its abundance of craft breweries; New Hampshire (64.07%), where residents pay low state liquor taxes; and Massachusetts (64%).
Unsurprisingly, Utah is home to the fewest imbibing adults: Less than 30% of residents drink. Presumably, this is due in part to the fact that the prominent religion in Utah (under the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Days Saints (LDS), also known as the Mormon church) forbids its members from consuming alcohol. Drinks are also harder to come by, as grocery and convenience stores sell only low-alcohol beer and no wine or liquor.
So I guess congrats are in order to Utah, right? Or should it be to Wisconsin? I’m so confused by all of this.
Anyway, here are a few of the charts that put together. Check out the rest of their charts like Habits of A Heavy Drinker, Drinking Habits by Demographic, as well as their methodology over at their site.
H/T The Daily Beast; Katherine Welles /