Top 10 Reasons Why a Bathroom Would Make the Perfect Bar

The only problem is house parties are nothing new. You usually invite a bunch of people and then everyone gets into separate groups and although they are awesome, change is always good when it comes to fun activities while intoxicated.

So, why not be different and take the bar from the kitchen and relocate it into the bathroom? We have 10 decent reasons why you should if you are feeling skeptical about the proposition.

10. Everyone is Drinking the Same Drink
This is more of a personal preference, but if the bar was in our bathroom it would only stock one drink… beer! Too many times, people are awkward and want different drinks — like guys drinking WKDs (Hahaha). Well, not in our bathroom. It would be beer only; all the full cans in one corner and the empty ones in another. Simple, straightforward and no chances of that chick passing out who thinks she can take her spirits.

9.Dude, I Really Need the Toilet
More beer means more journeys to the toilet, and there's nothing worse than getting up and going to the toilet every 20 minutes.  Your granddad has to, but you shouldn't. This is now a thing of the past; you're in a toilet, Bro! You will always be no more than a few feet from relief heaven. Just make the toilet seat a no-sit zone.

Added game: Anyone who forgets and sits on the seat must down their beer.

8. Get That Circle Pit Going
If all else fails, create a heavy as sh*t playlist on Grooveshark and start a mosh pit. Try recreating the Sorry You're Not A Winner by Enter Shikari in the bathroom — it should be quite amusing. Strobe lights would make a great addition too

7. Dance the Night Away
We're more of Hatebreed and Emmure music kind of people, but we understand not everyone likes heavy music. If you don't, why not create your own playlist and dance or pogo the night away? Heck, after a few we will even dance to some chart music we don't particularity like or some '80s Rick Astley.

6. Small Equals Better
Bet you didn't think you would ever hear that.

Unless you're lucky enough to own a mansion — probably with a butler named Geoffrey who will be kind enough to wipe your ass for you — you will probably have a tiny bathroom. Which means you're not going to fit a hundred people in there (couldn't hurt to try though). This means you can only invite the people you really want, instead of everyone on Facebook so it makes you feel like you have more friends

5. A Reason Not to Invite Adam
We all have that friend we don't like. Sorry, Adam. And as you can't fit all the world in your bathroom, you can simple tell him when he asks why he wasn't invited that there simply wasn't enough room for him. It would be double the LOLs if he was 200lb+.

Don't forget to take pictures and update your Twitter and Facebook so Adam knows all the fun he's missing.

4. Everyone in the Bath, Now!
If you asked your friends the following sentence while sober, “Dude, lets drink some beers and all get in the bath” the answer will probably be “Bro, we're not gay”. However, suggest it after a few beers and everyone will be in boxers and underwear before you finish the sentence. Just make sure you don't forget to invite some chicks.

If you're lucky enough to own a big bathroom with a walk-in shower then things have just got a whole lot more fun

3. I spilled my Beer, Bro!
No matter how careful everyone is, beer is going to get spilt — usually by the same guy every time, yet he gets invited time and time again. Unless you are weird and have carpet in the bathroom (what's all that about?) you will have vinyl or tiles. This means people can spilt to their hearts content. How we love you, Plenty, with your one-wipe capability.

2. Being More Social
Depending on how many people you invite and how many people turn up (you always get them knobs who cancel at the last minute) will depending on how full the room will get. But with everyone being in close proximity, you will be forced to talk to more people and more often that usual. This then makes it a great time to socialize more.

1. Making Memories
Ever been to a bathroom party? No you say? There's a reason: No one thinks to throw a party in their own bathroom. Which means if you do people will always remember that time they had that awesome bathroom party at Big Steve's. It has fun times written all over it and you know it!

Thanks to the guys over at Ultimate Top Ten Lists for providing this awesome top 10 list.