You And The Bros Can Literally Unite In Full Force For Playstation’s Newest Free Game

Quite literally bursting at the goddamn seams with veiny bulbous ‘ceps and victorious wind-swept waving flags of freedom it’s sobering and shocking that this game hasn’t been created, and distributed already. What’s more the objective of the game is simple enough to comprehend and likely execute successfully no matter how deep you and the homies have dipped into the 30-rack(s) stockpile: with guns blazing, shoot and destroy everything, and just get to the fucking chopper.

Simply put, Sony pulled a bro move when they announced ‘Bro Force’ as March’s first confirmed free game; but their reasoning was warranted. Broforce won the public’s love during the March voting round that put this game against a few other worthy independent game adversaries that have already proven successful on platforms like the PC. Even IGN strongly approves of this undeniably reliable, testosterific shoot ’em up revamped arcade game.

Broforce will be free when the Playstation Plus lineup launches next Tuesday on March 1st. Lehhhgoo baby.