iStockphoto / dwi septiyana
Just a few months back I was writing about angler Art Weston and Capt. Kirk Kirkland who specialize in trophy alligator gar fishing in Texas. Capt. Kirkland has over 100 IGFA fishing world records including the 283-pound alligator gar caught on 6-pound test fishing line back in September that shocked the fishing world.
The two were back on the water last week and fishing Sam Rayburn Lake near Jasper, Texas fishing for their next world record-setting alligator gar but what they caught has gained just as much attention as fishing world records do, they landed a truly gargantuan alligator snapping turtle with claws that look like a sabertooth tiger’s paws.
The alligator snapping turtle caught by Art Weston and Captain Kirk Kirkland itself is estimated to weigh over 200 pounds. It was ‘snagged’ while fishing for alligator gar and the fishing hook went through the alligator snapping turtle’s paw which the two worked carefully and tenderly to remove so the ancient turtle could swim freely.
These turtles are a protected species in the state of Texas and are never harvested. So returning it safely to Sam Rayburn Lake was crucial to maintaining a healthy ecosystem there.
These turtles are capable of living up to 200 years old! More commonly, they reach 80 to 120 years old in the wild. A specimen this large is certainly on the upper limit of that timeline.
Art Weston spoke with Fox News Digital about the catch, saying “When the turtle took the bait, Kirk had a good idea it was a turtle based on the way it was fighting, and he was right, as it came to the surface quickly. What we didn’t expect was how big it was.”
While working carefully to remove the hook from the turtle’s foot, the dinosaur was watching them like a hawk. Weston said “The entire time, the turtle was tracking my movements and had its mouth open ready to strike if I made the wrong move.”
For those who hadn’t yet seen the 283-pound alligator gar caught by this duo last year, feast your eyes on this absolute unit:
A BEAST is caught & released!
Check out this pending IGFA all-tackle WORLD RECORD Alligator Gar from Art Weston & Kirk Kirkland in Texas!!! https://t.co/1r0W1Xz8nS
At 100 inches (254 cm) long and 283 pounds (128 kg), the GARgantuan fish beats a 72 year record!
📷Kirk Kirkland pic.twitter.com/OuwK21Etkd— Dr. Solomon David (@SolomonRDavid) September 7, 2023
Would you rather catch a trophy alligator gar (and release it) or a massive snapping turtle (and release it)? Let us know in the Facebook comments.