ESPN Is Banning Insiders Adam Schefter, Adrian Wojnarowski From Betting On Sports

Adam Schefter ESPN

Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images

ESPN is banning insiders Adam Schefter and Adrian Wojnarowski, as well as other reporters, from betting on the sports they cover.

The move comes ahead of the launch of ESPN’s new betting app, ‘ESPNBet’, and is done in order to prevent any conflict of interest, according to FrontOfficeSports’ Michael McCarthy.

In the run-up to the launch, the company handed out guidelines to its 5,000 employees, clarifying on the usage of the new betting platform.

Specifically, insiders and reporters are getting the red light when it comes to wagering on the sports and leagues they cover.

ESPN is dead set on avoiding any confidential information, especially the kind that insiders like Schefter might have up their sleeves, being used for betting purposes.

This includes everything from insider scoops on player injuries to the lowdown on officials, players, coaches, or management. The ban extends to having someone else place bets on their behalf.

All ESPN employees are forbidden from putting money on any games they’re specifically assigned to cover or work on.

ESPN is making it clear that engaging in any form of illegal betting is not allowed and they’re not taking any chances, urging all employees to be extra cautious about the types of bets they’re placing.

What happens if someone does bet on a sport he covers? that isn’t clear.