Allen Iverson Blasts Bleacher Report For Snubbing Him From 50 Best All-Time Player List

Tom Pidgeon/NBAE Getty Images

Last week, Bleacher Report unveiled its list of the NBA’s 50 Best All-Time Players.

If the intent of the piece was to generate page views, it succeeded in spades, mostly by way of hate clicks from jilted Kobe fans who simply needed to see for themselves that the five-time NBA champion was somehow not considered one of the 13 best players of all-time.

While Bleacher Report admitted that the list was mostly subjective, it employed loose statistics such as box plus/minus and win shares per 48 minutes.

It’s hard to believe that any statistics, tangible or otherwise, would lead a sane person to the conclusion that Steph Curry is a whole four spots higher than the Mamba and a top 10 all-time player. And this is coming from a dude who despises Kobe. Hate him.

Parsing through over 4,300 players to appear in NBA games over 60+ years to choose the 50 best is a task that is bound to generate some glaring omissions, but that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t kick and scream over them.

Case in point: Allen Iverson.

I can understand if they somehow forgot about A.I., but instead they spit in his face by giving him an honorable mention nod. For comparison, PAU GASOL was included in the actual list as the 46th best player of all-time.

Iverson was not happy.

I was discouraged when I seen that @kobebryant wasn’t top 10 on the all time on this @bleacherreport list and I’m not even on it. What’s the criteria?? Is it based on stats, cultural influence, a personal preference, or what because it can’t be about basketball…. How’s a MVP, 11x All Star, 2x All Star MVP, 7x All NBA, Rookie of the Year, 3x Steals leader, 4x Scoring Champ, 76x 40 point game scorer, 11x 50 point game scorer, a career high 60 point game, career scoring average of 26.7, 2nd leader in playoff ppg average not on this list???? It has to be something else because I don’t understand it. Name me 49 nba players that has this on their resume??? LOL


NBA players showed support for A.I. in the post’s comments.

Dwyane Wade: Facts

J.R. Smith: [Face Palm emoji]

Isaiah Thomas: They just put crazy rankings so everybody can talk!!! No way in any world are you not on this list!!!!!!!!! Whoever published this list should be fired

Oh, and Jamie Foxx.

Jamie Foxx: They are cracked out! U are a legend!!!!

The internet added its two cents.

Justice for A.I.

[h/t Bleacher Report]

Matt Keohan Avatar
Matt’s love of writing was born during a sixth grade assembly when it was announced that his essay titled “Why Drugs Are Bad” had taken first prize in D.A.R.E.’s grade-wide contest. The anti-drug people gave him a $50 savings bond for his brave contribution to crime-fighting, and upon the bond’s maturity 10 years later, he used it to buy his very first bag of marijuana.