Andrew Cuomo To Skip Bills’ Playoff Game Following Fan’s Petition To Ban Him, Says He Has To Prepare A Speech

andrew cuomo bills playoff game

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Bills fans got a big win at the end of 2020 when New York Governor Andrew Cuomo declared that 6,772 fans will be allowed to attend the team’s first home playoff game since 1996. While most of Bills Mafia would like to see Bills Stadium at full capacity for the matchup against the Colts, you may think most would accept the fact that having just under 7,000 fans in the building is better than nothing.

Well, not quite.

Bills fan Jeffrey Dorenzo is one Buffalo fan who is not happy that only 6,772 fans will be able to attend the game, so he started a petition to ban Governor Cuomo from attending as well.

So Cuomo is going to attend our playoff game after telling us that we can only attend at less than 10% capacity? If he thinks he has more right to a seat in that stadium over people who have waited over 20 years for this opportunity, then people better be there to protest his entry. This is OUR team! This is OUR home. We don’t want you here.

It turns out that Dorenzo and the nearly 42,000 people that have signed the petition at the time of this story being published are getting their wish.

According to Ryan Field of ABC7 in New York, Cuomo won’t be attending the game due to the shift in power in Washington forcing him to rewrite his State of the State address. He’s reportedly giving his ticket to a nurse from County Medical Center.

Cuomo giving his ticket to a nurse is awesome, but that doesn’t mean this entire situation isn’t just a bit odd. The Bills’ playoff game is Saturday afternoon and his virtual State of the State speech is scheduled for Monday. Perhaps the petition actually got to Cuomo and he knew that if he was seen at the game, he would have been booed into oblivion.

All fans who do attend the game will be required to take a COVID test before the game, at their cost, with contact tracing taking place following the game.