Throughout history, the most electrifying halftime entertainment segment in existence is the fan half court shot for dollars. Nothing chaps my ass like anticipating some average Joe saunter out to the half-court line only to see 10 5-year-olds flood the court to play an uninspired game to hoops. No offense to the youths, but if I wanted to see horrible basketball, I’d just tape my men’s league game.
When we are gifted the opportunity to watch someone shoot for thousands, we judge the fuck out of them beforehand. I’ve actually whispered things to myself like ‘No way this spaghetti armed nerd is going to heave it past the free throw line’ or ‘this chick looks like she’s never seen a basketball, never mind shot one.’ Nice things of that nature.
So when I saw this Atlanta Hawks fan named Norman head out to the half court line during halftime of Thursday’s Pistons-Hawks game, I had already drew up the odds in my head: 1/1,000. Norman was shooting for $10,000 and a very Merry Christmas.
And when I saw his form, the odds dropped to 1/5,000.

Atlanta Hawks Twitter
But, Christmas miracles do happen, and I’ll let you enjoy this one…
BOOM. Cool, calm, collected, and $10,000 richer. I stand corrected.

And a very Merry Christmas to you, big fella.