Staying lean during the holidays is tough stuff.
People basically throwing pumpkin-flavored goodness, desserts, and beers at you all day every day isn’t good for the abs.
Add in the fact that thanks to fall fashion, most of us feel like we can let loose a bit, and it becomes straightforward to let ourselves go a bit over the course of the holiday season.
And let’s not forget the possibility of a certain virus closing all the gyms again this winter.
This is why much of what I’ve written about recently has to do with avoiding holiday weight gain or properly bulking in the winter without gaining a ton of fat.
Today’s post is no exception.
One of the big keys to staying lean over the course of the holidays is using tools like metabolic conditioning, or Metcon for short.
Metcons can ramp up your metabolism, melt fat, and help you shed off unwanted pounds.
The term describes “short bouts of higher-intensity training designed to increase metabolic demand and increase energy usage.”
One of the beautiful things about metcons is that they’re quick, use only your body weight, and literally be done anywhere.
That’s what we’re doling out today, fellas.
Quick and dirty bodyweight workouts you can use in a hurry will help keep the pounds off this holiday season.
So toss on your favorite workout shirt, and let’s get sweating.
Metcon Workout 1:
Circuit A
- Push-ups x10
- Mountain climber’s x30
- Lunges x10 per leg
Do 4 rounds, resting 30 seconds between each round.
Circuit B
- Squat x15
- Lateral lunge x8 per leg
- Reverse crunch x10
Do 3 rounds, resting 20 seconds between each round.
Circuit C
- Burpee x8
- Jumping lunges x10 per leg
Do 3 rounds, resting 10 seconds between each round.
Metcon Workout 2:
Circuit A
- Yoga push-up x10
- Dead bug x10
- Side plank x20 seconds per side
Do 3 rounds; rest 10 seconds between each round.
Circuit B
- Burpee x10
- Bulgarian split squat x8 per leg
- Reverse crunch x15
Do 3 rounds, resting 10 seconds between each round
Circuit C
- Single leg hip thrust x15 per leg
- V-ups x10
- Mountain climber x20
Do 3 rounds, resting 10 seconds between each round.
Metcon Workout 3:

Circuit A
- Push-ups x15
- Squats x20
- Plank x40 seconds
Do 5 rounds, resting 30 seconds between each round.
Circuit B
- Jumping lunges x20 per leg
- Dead bugs x10
- Russian twist x20
Do 3 rounds, resting 10 seconds between each round
Circuit C
- Burpee x10
- Mountain climber x30
- Jump squat x10
Do 4 rounds, resting 20 seconds between each round.
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