Browns Security Lays Vicious Hip-Drop Tackle Not Legal In NFL While Practicing Field Rush Defense

A security member watches a sporting event.

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The Cleveland Browns‘ security team will not be embarrassed this NFL season. The group was seen practicing a little defense this week in the confines of their home stadium.

The crew simulated fan field storming situations in hopes of being prepared to nab offenders this fall. It offered a truly hilarious scene for onlookers.

We’ve seen the incidents in the past. Each and every year, some liquored up fan boldly hops the venue walls to make their way onto the playing field.

While it can offer a brief moment of entertainment for attendees, in most cases, it’s just a distraction from the game.

Safety for players, coaching staffs, and officials is also a concern, making it the security team’s duty to quickly de-escalate any field rushing scenarios.

For that reason, Cleveland is beginning to take the steps necessary to protect individuals from unruly fans.

That includes running through tackling drills on hypothetical rule breakers.

Browns security member lays vicious hip-drop tackle.


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Videos of the Browns security crew chasing down potential threats in the open field have surfaced online.

In one particular clip that’s now going viral on social media, a security member is seen landing a hit no longer legal in the NFL. And he had the celebration, to boot!

With absolutely no regard for the opposition, the guard laid a vicious hip-drop tackle. That move was removed from the game for player safety reasons this offseason, but there’s no rule against using it on fans!

The NFL season is just over a month away, and this group is putting the work in. Practice makes perfect, and judging by the reaction on this particular tackle, the crew will invite fans to test their defense this fall.