Charles Barkley Cracks Amazing Joke About His Easy College Workload At Auburn

Charles Barkley Cracks Joke About His Easy College Workload At Auburn

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  • Charles Barkley didn’t exactly challenge himself when he was a college student
  • The former Auburn star joked about the lack of academic rigor he dealt with during his time at the school
  • Read more basketball stories here

College sports have traditionally provided many people with a fantastic opportunity to get a great education at little or no cost, and while there are plenty of players (like J.R. Smith) who exemplify the “student-athlete” label, there are also plenty of others (like Cardale Jones) who didn’t come to play school.

In 2014, the University of North Carolina found itself with a bit of a scandal on its hands courtesy of a report that revealed the school had spent years allowing players to enroll in essentially nonexistent classes that allowed them to reduce their workload and pad their GPA to maintain eligibility.

Multiple studies have also shown that schools in the SEC, Ivy League, and everywhere in between are also more than happy to reduce their admission standards to permit star athletes to enroll. It’s also not exactly a secret that many players gravitate toward majors like Communications and Liberal Studies that traditionally lack the kind of academic rigor you’d be subjected to if you pursued something like engineering or biochemistry.

On Monday night’s installment of Inside the NBA, Charles Barkley acknowledged he took the easy way out during his time at Auburn, as the man who never officially declared a major during his three years at the school cracked a great joke when asked about what he pursued.

Here’s what he had to say after Ernie Johnson asked what his major was:

“Music appreciation. They played music and I said, ‘I appreciate it’ and they gave me an A. 

That was one of my classes. My major? I’m undeclared. I was waiting to see how this basketball thing worked out.”

Never change, Chuck. Never change.

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Connor Toole is the Deputy Editor at BroBible. He is a New England native who went to Boston College and currently resides in Brooklyn, NY. Frequently described as "freakishly tall," he once used his 6'10" frame to sneak in the NBA Draft and convince people he was a member of the Utah Jazz.