Christian McCaffrey Shares Cold Hard Truth About What It’s Like Getting Traded Mid-Season

Christian McCaffrey

Getty Image / Cindy Ord

The San Francisco 49ers were viewed as one of the best teams in the league after their mid-season trade for Christian McCaffrey.

From the outside looking in, many view trades as a regular business decision. However, the superstar running back details the cold hard truth about it.

During a guest appearance on the Bussin’ With The Boys podcast, Christian McCaffrey explains what it was like being traded in the middle of the season.

From the sounds of it, the process is incredibly cold. Even so, players must proceed as if it’s business as usual and join their new team. Here he is detailing his experience.

Imagine thinking you’re going to retire for the company you work for then they suddenly ship you off to the other side of the country in the middle of the night. Can’t even say goodbye to anybody that you’ve built a relationship with.

The reality of mid-season trades seems a bit daunting and kind of cold-hearted.

Regardless, Christian McCaffrey has the wherewithal to understand that it was just a business decision. There was no ill will behind it.

On top of that, he’s in a much better situation now than he was previously in with the Panthers. The 49ers are still a legitimate contender. Especially with Christian McCaffrey in the backfield.

Now that he has a new home in San Francisco, look for McCaffrey to continue being a force to be reckoned with in one of the best rushing attacks in the league.