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Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross is among the very optimistic crowd that believes that the 2020 NFL season will go on as planned. Not only does he think the season will take place, but he believes fans will be allowed through the gates as well.
Three weeks ago the team released social distancing guidelines for their entrances and exits at Hard Rock Stadium. One of the ideas is to have fans exit the stadium row by row so people aren’t filing out of the stands all at the same time.
During an interview with CNBC on Tuesday morning, Ross expressed his opinion that the 2020 season will be played.
“I think there definitely will be a football season this year,” Ross said Tuesday. “Real question is, will there be fans in the stadium? Right now — today — we’re planning to have fans in the stadium.”
“We all miss our sports. The NFL, I think, will be ready to go. I know we’re all looking forward to it. I know I am.”
The NFL has yet to make any sort of decisions on whether or not it will allow fans into stadiums during the 2020 season. While the calendar has yet to flip to June, the first preseason game between the Steelers and Cowboys on August 6 is approaching and a decision about fans attending games will be made sooner rather than later.
The NFL began allowing teams to reopen team facilities, if permitted by local guidelines, to limited staff on May 19.
Perhaps we see stadiums limited to just 50% capacity, maybe we’ll be watching football played in empty stadiums, your guess is as good as anyone else’s right now.
Mark is an associate editor at BroBible. Follow him on Twitter @ItIsMarkHarris for the occasional good tweet. Feel free to contact him at Mark@BroBible.com.