ESPN Reported On WrestleMania And Look How People Freaked Out On Twitter

For the first time in a very long time I’m on the side of the worldwide leader in sports, ESPN.

Check out this hilarious find by our friend over at With Spandex — Sportscenter reported on WrestleMania and people on Twitter who aren’t wrestling fans acted exactly as you’d expect.

I need to sit down. My world has been shattered. Bush did 9/11? How am I just hearing about this news?

A couple points to the “wrestling is fake” contingent in the crowd:

  1. No shit. Movies, TV shows and books are also fake. As Bill Simmons paraphrasingly put it “you don’t get mad at Liam Neeson because he can’t really shoot a hundred people and save his family” so why get mad that these guys aren’t really kicking each other’s teeth in.
  2. Check out the RTs and favorites of that tweet. Over three thousand in both categories, and based on the time stamp, that was just within a few minutes of Rollins actually winning the title. That’s a ton of people who actually care.
  3. I was in attendance on Sunday. There were 72,000 people interested in the outcome of the matches and another million watching at home. That’s a nice chunk of people into “fake shit.”

ESPN is reporting on athletes. Wrestlers are athletes. Liam Neeson could probably still kill a bunch of people. The end.

[via With Spandex]

Chris Illuminati avatar
Chris Illuminati is a 5-time published author and recovering a**hole who writes about running, parenting, and professional wrestling.