Stacy Revere/Getty Images
Everyone has one.
One person who you let slip away because you were morally obliged to someone you aren’t anymore. Hindsight can be a cruel punishment. Few things haunt the soul like missed opportunities, even if they’re squandered with good intentions.
Wisconsin-Whitewater volleyball player Brittany Robinson saw her ship sail four years ago with 2020 Dunk Contest champion Derrick Jones Jr.
Just one week before Jones Jr. would go undrafted in the 2016 NBA Draft, the then 19-year-old shot off a series of Instagram DMs to Robinson.
Robinson was being a good, faithful woman and shut the future NBAer down. On Sunday, a day after Jones Jr. won the NBA Dunk Contest (which earned him a PUMA deal), Robinson chastised her former self for shutting down a millionaire for a chump.
Sounds like a gentleman, doesn’t he, Ray?

How about you, Willson Contreras. What you think?
Cubbies, your man's is wandering around left field. Can you come get him? @Cubs pic.twitter.com/7kdtGGb5jR
— Mia K. (@miakhalifa) September 5, 2017
(Jesus, dude. Have some pride and take a hint.)
Brittany can’t even take comfort in telling herself there’s still hope in their love. Unless she wants to join a Lou Williams situation.
He has a whole ass family now 😂 three kids and a wife
— B (@bkrobinson_) February 17, 2020
Head up, Britt. Maybe he’ll call you to babysit?