On Sunday, Paul brought you the story of two Texas high school football players heinously blindsiding a ref over what was thought to be a “bad call” on a previous play. The YouTube video has over 9 million views and the incident has gained national attention.
Victor Rojas and Mike Moreno of John Jay High School in San Antonio were ejected from the game and the Northside ISD athletic director Stan Laing said the video was “very disturbing.” The students were kicked off the team and suspended from school.
Local police have since investigated the hits, contemplating charging both of them with assault, which could result in the two boys facing jail time if tried as adults in Texas.
As the investigation has unfolded, new alleged information has come to light regarding the motive of the assault. Victor Rojas and Mike Moreno claim that the official used racial slurs against them earlier in the game.
Northside Independent School District Superintendent Brian T. Woods also claims that John Jay assistant coach Mack Breed planted the idea of retaliation in his players heads. Breed has since been placed on leave.
In response to the allegation, the referee, Robert Watts, released a statement.
Via Uproxx:
“I like to keep my officiating quiet; unfortunately this will be big news.”
He then went on to say, “Libel and slander have already been committed against me. I will be contacting the appropriate people soon and any statement from me will come at a later date.”
Watts’ lawyer echoed his clients abhorrence with the allegations.
“He’s not a happy camper about being falsely accused.”
These new accusations have definitely muddied the water. If, in fact, the official used racial slurs against high school kids during a football game, he deserved what he had coming to him. You have to be a different kind of scumbag to spew out racial vitriol to high schoolers when you’re job is to be fair and balanced. That’s some bullshit.
Or, if the investigation determines that these kids panicked and put out false allegations to save their ass, not only did they assault the poor guy, but they may have falsely labeled him a racist in the national spotlight. You have to be a different kind of scumbag to do that.
The plot is thickening. Stay tuned.
[h/t Uproxx]